Daily School Life

  • 8:15-8:30

    School bus arrives at school at 8:20am

  • 8:30
    Morning Mtg.
  • 9:00-10:25
    1st and 2nd periods
  • 10:25-10:45
  • 10:45-12:10
    3rd and 4th periods
  • 12:10-13:10
    Lunch / Lunch Recess
  • 13:10-15:20
    5th, 6th and 7th Periods
  • 15:20
    Afternoon Mtg. / Clean Up
  • 15:30

    PM buses depart school at 15:40.

  • 15:30-18:00

    18:30 if use extended daycare
    Club hour is 15:40-16:30
    (Dance club opens for Pre K and Kindergarten students. *Once a week/Optional)

  • 17:40 DC (Daycare) bus departs school
  • 18:00 Daycare Dismissal (if pick up)
  • 18:30 Doors closed (if pick up after extended daycare use)
  • Daily class time table changes every week.
  • Students are allowed to have small meals (i.e. rice balls, vegetables) during the recess time between 2nd and 3rd periods. (need to bring snack from home if needed / Optional)