Annual Events

Annual Events

We hold various events in a school year in which children can learn about World cultures and Japanese culture, and those that children can enjoy with their families.

pointIconEvent Calendar

April - Spring Break
- New academic year begins
- Enrollment Ceremony (Preschool only)*
- E-drill
- Parents Meeting*
May - E-drill
- Health Check-up
- PYP Parents Curriculum Information Session*
- Parents Morning*
June - Primary School Open House for Kindergarten Parents*
- E-drill
- Sports Day*
- Make-up holiday (sports day, no daycare)
- Numeracy and Science Week
July - Japanese Culture Day
- Term 1 ends
- Summer break (from middle of July)
- Parent Teacher Conference (PTC)*/Student-led Conference(SLC)*
- Summer School Week 1 (Optional)
August - Summer School Week 2 (Optional)
- School closed
- Term 2 begins (late August)
September - Pick-up Drill (no PM/DC bus, no daycare)*
October - Literacy week
- Parent's Morning*
- Mid-term break (late October)
- 100 Days Celebration
November - E-drill
- PYP Parents Curriculum Information Session*
- World Hello Day (21st)
- Health Check-up
December - School Performance*
- Term 2 ends
- Winter break
- School closed
January - Term 3 begins
February - E-dirll
- Parent Orientation for new families*
March - Term 3 ends
- Graduation Ceremony* (Kindergarten parents only)
- Spring Break (Middle of May to early April)
- End of the academic year
  • Events with * marks are parent-involved events.
  • Students go out for field trips several times a year based on the unit of inquiry.
  • We may ask parents to volunteer to help with school events. (not mandatory)
  • Schedule and contents of school events are reviewed every year.