School bus arrives at school at 8:20am
8:45-9:00Free Play
9:00Morning Mtg.
Class HoursLanguage
Class HoursInquiry
Class HoursMath
Lunch TimeLunch
Class HoursP.E.
14:50Afternoon Mtg.
15:20 if has primary sibling/s
PM bus departs school at 15:40 -
18:30 if use extended daycare
Club hour is 15:40-16:30
(Dance club opens for Pre K and Kindergarten students. *Once a week/Optional)
- 17:40 DC (Daycare) bus departs school
- 18:00 Daycare Dismissal (if pick up)
- 18:30 Doors closed (if pick up after extended daycare use)
- Other than the above introduced classes, we have Story time, Library time, etc.
- Preschool students have a nap time in the afternoon.
- Everyday schedule includes both recess time and learning time. It is a well-balanced time table for young children.
- All grades have a morning snack time. If student uses afterschool daycare, we also have a daycare snack time during afterschool daycare hours.